All materials including, but not limited to, images, trademarks, and logos, remain to be the property of their respective owners. All information and images shown here were taken from Facebook profiles and albums whose owners allowed them to be viewed by "Everyone" according to their preferences in Facebook's privacy setting.
We do NOT have a special software or technique for viewing private profiles and/or photos.
We do NOT in any way guarantee (or imply to) as to the veracity and authenticity of the information and photos or even the accounts themselves. All information were presented "as is" and all photos are fetched directly from the Facebook database. We do NOT save copies of them anywhere else, including our computers and those of Google.
This site is NOT associated with Facebook or Google.
If you find one of your materials here and you want it modified or removed, please email us at (vincebravo-at-gmail-dot-com) with your proof of ownership.